February15th 2025

Welcome to the 2025 Howick Netball Club Season

Just a few things to go over prior to our muster/trials
Make sure you add these dates / times to your calendar's. 

Yr5/6 do not trial.
We will be holding a muster (fun night) on 27th February 5.30pm - 6.30pm Court 5 so we can place players into teams, meet the coach's and organise training nights. 

Trial Dates/ Times

Yr 7         Thursday 27th February    5.30pm  - 6.15pm - Court 1               
                Thursday 6th March           5.30pm - 6.15pm - Court 1               
                Thursday 13th March         5.30pm - 6.15pm - Court 1
Please arrive no later than 5.15pm for warm up and receive number 

Yr 8         Thursday 27th February     6.15pm - 7pm - Court 1               
                Thursday 6th March            6.15pm - 7pm - Court 1               
                Thursday 13th March          6.15pm - 7pm - Court 1
Please arrive no later than 6pm for warm up and receive number 

College   Saturday 1st March            8am - 10am - Court 1             
                Saturday 8th March            8am - 10am - Court 1               
                Saturday 15th March          8am -10am - Court 1 
Please arrive no later than 7.45am for warm up and receive number 

Senior    Saturday 1st March            10am - 11am - Court 1              
               Saturday 8th March            10am - 11am - Court 1               
               Saturday 15th March          10am - 11am - Court 1
Please arrive no later than 9.45am for warm up and receive number 


Prior to trials you must have made one of the following to be eligible to take the court:

  • $50.00 non-refundable deposit   (if you have paid full fees this does not apply) 
  • Fees paid in full
  • Pre-arranged payment plan in place   (do not leave this to the last minute as the payments must have been started one week prior to trial

Uniform / Training Gear Orders ($20.00 deposit required if you order named Training Gear)

Yr 5 - 6    Thursday 27th February  - 6.30pm onwards
Yr 7          Thursday 27th February -  6.15pm onwards 
Yr 8          Thursday 27th February -  5.15pm  - 6pm 
College    Saturday 1st March - after trials from 10am onwards 
Seniors    Saturday 1st March - 8am - 9.45am 

Head Selectors for Trials
Juniors - Chelsea Whiteman
College - Amanda Croft
Seniors - Amanda Croft

Onsite Official  (for any Questions) 
Juniors/ College / Seniors - Leonie Moore 

Policies & Procedures 
This can also be found on our website under the “Info Tab” http://www.howicknetball.org.nz/Info-1/selection-policy
If for any reason you can not make a trial/s please advise us in writing ASAP to howicknetballclub@gmail.com with the dates and reason/s. 

                                                   Howick Netball Club Selection Policies and Procedures 

The following information has been provided to ensure everyone has an understanding of the netball selection policies and procedures

Trial Outline:

  • All trial dates can be found on the Howick Netball Club Website under the "Calendar" tab
  • By attending trials each player is indicating that they wish to commit to a netball team for the entire netball season.  Players must have a valid reason to be removed from a team.
  • A $50 non-refundable deposit fee must be paid before trials to secure a spot in an HNC team.  This will be deducted from the player's fees if they join a team. If your fees are paid in full before trials the deposit does not relate.
  • Trials will take place regardless of weather conditions.
  • All players are to attend a minimum of two trials BUT three is preferable.
  • A player must give the committee as much notice as possible if they cannot attend a trial/and trials for any reason. 
  • Umpire/s will be provided.
  • Players who are not on court must wait on the side lines.  They may continue to warm up there.
  • NO PLAYERS ARE TO APPROACH ANY SELECTOR(S), however there will be a committee member available who will be the player's advocate. 
  • Selector's may consult with the upcoming season coaches if required and coach(s) available at selections (this will only be done at the final trial)
  • Players registering late or after trials will be assessed based on team balance and structure of teams previously decided. 
  • At the discretion of the committee teams may be changed when required due to numbers, personal issues, and skill development. 
  • Team selection is to be finalised within one week of the final trial date if possible.
  • The selector's decision is final.


  • To create teams that can be competitive in all grades of the Howick Pakuranga Netball competition.
  • To allow all netball players to participate in a team similar to their ability. "Within the constraints of having an even distribution of playing positions"  

Trial Format:

  • The allocated trial start time allows for up to 30 minutes for players to sign in, be assigned their number and join the structured warm up. Please be prompt. 
  • We will attempt to trial you in at least two positions you have listed on your registration form (3 preferred positions). 
  • Trialists will be allocated a number; this is written on their legs and/or arms for identification. 
  • There will be either one or two courts running at the same time depending on the year level and numbers.

Juniors Yr 5 - 6 Muster (no trials)
Team selection will be made according to the Netball NZ guidelines and Club policies formed as follows:

  • Netball Skills and Ability
  • Team Balance and Team Structure
  • Friendships
  • Commitment for Full Netball Season

Juniors Yr7 - 8
​​​​​​Players can only attend their own year level trials and be selected for those teams.Team selection will be made according to the Netball NZ guidelines and Club policies formed as follows:

  • Netball Skills and Ability
  • Team Balance and Team Structure
  • Game Knowledge and General Fitness
  • Commitment for Full Netball Season 

College Grade​​​​​​​
Yr 9-13 players are to attend their own level trials and be selected for those teams; although if invited or offered a trial in a higher age-grade, can attend the Premier/Senior A trials as directed by the President of the Club.

Seniors Grade
Players are to attend their own level trials and be selected for those teams. 

Social Senior Grade
Social teams may not be required to trial, this will be at the discretion of the Club President and Committee. 

For College and Senior Grades, the following aspects will be evaluated to determine which team a player is selected for (such as);

  • Warm up 
  • Fitness
  • Player combinations
  • Skills
  • Coach-ability
  • Attitude
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Team dynamics
  • Individual player characteristics  

Competencies and Qualities Considered:

  • The major criterion for selection will be based on the performance of the player at the appropriate trial. Selectors will also consider team balance where the 8-9 best individual players may not provide the best team combination.  Ideally teams should have a variety of combinations to cover such events as sickness, injury or unavailability during the season.

Core playing competencies:

  • Skill base and performance consistency
  • Tactical understanding and decision making
  • Flair and innovation
  • Fitness and game intensity
  • Potential and work ethic
  • Discipline on and off the court

Core personal qualities:

  • Effective under pressure
  • Teamwork
  • Versatility, consistency and adaptability

Player Withdrawals:

  • In the event of a player withdrawing after selection; a replacement will be decided with consultation with the selectors, the appropriate coach and Club President. 

Non-Attendance at Trials:

  • Players unable to attend the trials for any reason will have their team selection based on availability of positions within the teams, information provided by the coach at the conclusion of the previous season and thorough consultations with the selectors, the coaches and the Club President.
  • Non-attendance at any trial MUST be communicated via the appropriate delegate - (Junior/College/Senior)
  • If a player is unable to attend a trial due to injury or illness - contact the appropriate delegate (Junior/College/Senior)
  • If a player is unable to attend a trial due to other reasons - contact the appropriate delegate (Junior/College/Senior)

You will find a list of the delegates contact details on the website under the "Committee" tab 

Disputes Procedures:

  • Not with standing any of the provisions in this policy;

It is acknowledged that when applying the criteria and considerations set out above, there will be (at times) extremely difficult choices to be made which will require the selection panel to exercise its discretion and judgment. Providing the selection panel has properly considered the criteria and considerations set out in this policy, and has exercised the discretion and judgement in good faith - then the selection panel will have fulfilled all of its obligations under this policy. 

                                                         Go "TEAM HOWICK”"


12 January 2025

Welcome all current and new members to the 2025 Netball Season 

We are heading into another great Howick Netball Club Season “GO TEAM HOWICK”

Just a few reminders before the season kicks off 

2025 Howick Netball Club Registrations are “OPEN” - Don't miss out register today
You will find the registration form on our website under the  “2025 Player Registration Tab” or follow the link below
A $50 non-refundable deposit fee must be paid before trials to secure a spot in an HNC team.  This will be deducted from the player's fees if they join a team.
If your fees are paid in full before trials the deposit does not relate.Any questions regarding payment of fees & payment plans can be directed to the club treasurer at

2025 Howick Club Preseason Program 
The registrations for our preseason program are well under way. We currently have over 80 registered. You still have time to register - select as many or as few mornings/nights you can attend. Please remember drink bottles as the drink fountains are currently out of action due to the works at the courts. 

Remember this link is to register for preseason training only. https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/331745

2025 Season Club Trials 
Dates are as follows; 
All trials are held at the Howick Pakuranga Netball Courts.

Juniors:   Yr 5 / 6                   Thursday 27th February    
Muster                                     5.30pm - 6.30pm 

Yr 7/8                                       Thursday 27th February 
Trials                                        5.30pm - 7.00pm                                  
                                                  Thursday 6th March                                
                                                  5.30pm - 7.00pm                                 
                                                 Thursday 13th March (if required)                                 
                                                  5.30pm - 7.00pm 

Yr 7: Start times to be confirmed
Yr8: Start times to be confirmed 

College/Seniors                   Saturday 1st March  
                                   8.00am - 11.00am                                  
                                                Saturday 8th March                                  
                                                8.00am - 11.00am                                   
                                                Saturday 15th March (if required)                                 
                                                8.00am - 11.00am 

College: Please arrive no later than 7.45am for warm up and receive number 
Senior: Please arrive no later than 9.15am for warm up and receive number

We will be putting our selection policy and procedure up on our website prior to trials. 

Uniforms will be available to purchase at the first rounds of Trials/Muster.We will send out allocated times prior to trials. Current members please check your uniform for size and socks (just in case the washing machine ate one) 

Year 3 - 4 Competition 
This Season HPNC will be running a Saturday Competition for Juniors Yr 3-4 (school years).
​​​​​​​ Please email 
howicknetball@gmail.com for more information

We are looking to take on new umpires for the 2025 season. Umpires must be at least Year 9 at school.
Please email
howickumpires@gmail.com if you are interested in Umpiring.
Information for new/current umpires are on our website under “Information for Umpires” Tab

Please email our coaches delegate Chelsea Whiteman 
chelseawhiteman@hotmail.co.nz if you are interested in coaching a team this season. 

                                                                          Put your business name out there!!!!

We are seeking a sponsor/s to help purchase club jackets for our hard-working volunteer coaches for this season. If this is something you would be interested in, please contact me on 0277737304 or email me at 
howicknetball@gmail.com for more information.

Please view the calendar on our website for all 2025 competition dates  http://www.howicknetball.org.nz/

For any further information please email howicknetball@gmail.com 


Leonie Moore
​​​​​​​Club President 


21st December 2024

Just a quick catch up before the 2024 year comes to an end 

Upcoming dates to put in your Dairies 

2025 Howick Club Registration: This is due to go live early next week.
We will post on our social media pages and our website

2025 Howick Netball Club Preseason Programme:
Be Netball ReadyRegister:
Please note this registration form is for the preseason program only
Dates are as follows:                       
Saturday  18th January
Thursday  23rd  January 
Thursday  30th January 
Saturday   1st February 
Thursday  13th February  
Saturday  15th  February 
Thursday  20th  February 
Saturday   22nd February (fun day) 

Juniors:                 5.30pm - 6.30pm Thursdays                                 
                                9.00am - 10.00am Saturdays

College:                 6.30pm - 7.30pm Thursdays                              
                                8.00am - 9.00am Saturdays

Seniors:                 7.00pm - 8.00pm Thursdays                                
                                8.00am - 9.00am Saturdays

PLEASE NOTE: The water fountains at the centre will not be working during this time. Please bring drink bottles 

Howick Netball Club Trials/ Muster 
Juniors:   Yr 5 / 6                   Thursday 27th February    
Muster                                     5.30pm - 6.30pm 

Yr 7/8                                      Thursday 27th February 
Trials                                        5.30pm - 7.00pm                                  
                                                  Thursday 6th March                                
                                                  5.30pm - 7.00pm                                 
                                                 Thursday 13th March (if required)                                 
                                                 5.30pm - 7.00pm 

College/Seniors                    Saturday 1st March  
                                    8.00am - 11.00am                                
                                                 Saturday 8th March                                  
                                                 8.00am - 11.00am                                   
                                                 Saturday 15th March (if required)                                 
                                                 8.00am - 11.00am 

More information to follow in the January newsletter

Year 3 -4 Competition 
Next Season HPNC will be running a Saturday Competition for Juniors Yr 3-4 (school years).
 Please email
howicknetball@gmail.com for more information.

Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre Winter Season Start Dates: 
Juniors:                    Friday 2nd May
College/Seniors:    Saturday 3rd May
Please view calendar on our website for all 2025 competition dates 

We are looking to take on new umpires for the 2025 season. Umpires must be at least Year 9 at school.
 Please email our Umpire Administrator Kyra Chaplin
mailto:howickumpires@gmail.com if you require any further information.

Please email our coaches delegate Chelsea Whiteman
mailto:chelseawhiteman@hotmail.co.nz if you are interested in coaching a team next season. Junior coaches must coach in pairs if school aged and cannot be involved in school netball as the time of games on a Saturday clash and it is not fair to players if coaches regular miss games. 

Put your business name out there!!!!Tax deduction !!!We are seeking a sponsor/s to help purchase club jackets for our hard-working volunteer coaches for next season. If this is something you would be interested in, please contact me on 0277737304 or email me at
howicknetball@gmail.com for more information.

Have a wonderful festive season and see you all in January at the preseason program

Leonie Moore
Club President 


27 April 2024

Howick Netball Players and Families

The countdown is on … one more week to game time.Teams are all looking great.

Upcoming Dates for your calendar:

Year 5 and 6                                                              Friday 3rd May
The next games for this grade will be on the 11th and 18th May

 Year 7 and 8                                                             Saturday 4th May                                                                 
                                                                                    Saturday 11th May                                                                   
                                                                                    Saturday 18th May

College/Senior                                                          Saturday 4th May                                                                 
                                                                                    Saturday 11th May                                                                 
                                                                                    Saturday 18th May                                                    
Grading Round                                                         Saturday 25th May, 8th ,15th, 22nd June, 20th July 
Championship Round                                             Saturday 27th July, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th August 

No Play                                                                      Saturday 1st June (Kings Bday)                                                                                                                                                          Saturday 29th June (Matariki)                                                                                                                                                              Saturday 6th July (School Hols)                                                                                                                                                          Saturday 13th July (School Hols)

Club Fees
Reminder Club fees are now overdue. Non payment = NO PLAY (unless payment plan arranged prior)  Please contact Justine Ross howicknetballmoney@gmail.com  if you have any questions in regards to fees or payments.

Umpires new club email address.  For all umpire related information/questions please email Kyra Chaplin howickumpires@gmail.com

Player Safety - Please remember you need to collect your child from inside the courts and on time.  If you are running late, please notify the coach.

If you are unable to attend trainings, please notify your coach at the earliest time possible as they plan their trainings in advance. 

A huge thank you to our new sponsor of our Umpire's T shirts . Check these out on Saturday.Graeme & Justine Ross from  https://wsme.co.nz/ (Websites made easy)

Thank you once again to the Howick Club for their funding grant towards the purchase of new game balls for each team. 

Remember to like our Facebook page, Howick Netball Club Inc, and to check out our webpage www.howicknetball.org.nz regularly.  Lots of information will be posted there over the next few weeks/months, about upcoming courses and important dates.  

Bring on team(s) “Howick”

Leonie Moore
Club President 


Hello Howick Netball Families

Great turn out for trials on Saturday in the HEAT!!!!  All players brought their “A” game. 

Just a few reminders:

Junior Muster
Juniors Yrs 5/6
Saturday 2nd March - Court 18
9am - 10am
Please arrive no later than 8.45 am

Trails Yrs 7/8/College
Juniors Yr 7
Saturday 24th February Court 3
8.30am - 9.30am (Please note change of time)
Please arrive no later than 8am to receive number and warm up

Juniors Yr 8
Saturday 24th February Court 3
9.30am - 10am (Please note change of time)
Please arrive no later than 9am to receive number and warm up

College Yrs 9 -13
Saturday 24th February Court 1
8.30am - 10am 
Please arrive no later than 8am to receive number and warm up 

Saturday 2nd March (if required) Court 1
8.30am - 10am 
Please arrive no later than 8am 

Please ensure your punctual arrival, as it will be considered during team selection.
Don't forget drink bottle 

For those intending to trial for College 1 please be aware attendance is mandatory at all trails. 

Reminder: Yr 5 /6 players the $50.00 non-refundable deposit must be paid prior to the Muster on the 2nd March to secure a spot in an HNC Team.  This will be deducted from the players fees if they join the team. For families with 2 or more registered players, the non-refundable deposit is $25 per player.  Deposits can be paid via Direct Credit or by cash on the day of the first trial. If paying by direct debit  please use the players SP number and name as reference

If your fees are paid in full before the muster the deposit is not required.  

Full payment of FEES is due by the 11th March, unless a payment plan has been entered into with the club.   

Any questions regarding payment of fees & payment plans can be directed to the club treasurer Justine Ross at howicknetballmoney@gmail.com

Please make sure you have placed your uniform order 
Dress $65.00
Socks $15.00 (Compulsory)
Singlet / Shorts $65.00

Uniform orders will be made possible at trials/muster at the below times.

Yr 5/6           Sat 2nd March 10am - 10.30am 
Junior  Yr7  Sat 24th Feb 8am - 10am 
Junior Yr 8  Sat 24th Feb 9am - 10.30am  
College        Sat 24th Feb 8am - 10.30am / Sat 2nd March 8am - 10.30am
 Senior          Sat 24th Feb 8am - 10.30am
 If you have any questions in regards to ordering or payments please contact our Uniform Officer Sarah Sutton mrs.sl.sutton@gmail.com

Training Gear will be available to order 
Sat 24th February / 2nd March as per times above. 
Training T shirts and Jackets available (see photos on our facebook page)

Training Day Availability Form
Please remember to fill out the training day availability form sent via email.
We need these returned back to us ASAP. 
“Make sure” you Select as many boxes as possible to make it easier on our amazing volunteer Coaches. 

Players Wanted
We still have a couple of spaces available in our Collège Grade. If you know anyone that is interested in joining please call me on 02777 37 304 or email howicknetball@gmail.com

Follow our Fb page for updates https://www.facebook.com/howicknetballclub2019

Leonie Moore
Club President 


Hello Howick Netball Families

Welcome back to all previous members and a warm welcome to all new members.We are looking forward to an outstanding season ahead.

Last Pre-season Training Night

Tuesday Feb 13th
Juniors 5.30pm -6.30pm
College / Seniors 6.30pm - 7.30/ 8pm 

Trials and Fees

This season we introduced a $50 non-refundable deposit fee, which MUST be paid before trials to secure a spot in an HNC team.  This will be deducted from the player's fees if they join a team. 

For families with 2 or more registered players, the non-refundable deposit is $25 per player.  Deposits can be paid via Direct Credit or by cash on the day of the first trial. If paying by direct debit  please use the players SP number and name as reference

If your fees are paid in full before trials the deposit is not required.  

Full payment of FEES is due by the 11th March,  unless a payment plan has been entered into with the club.   

Any questions regarding payment of fees & payment plans can be directed to the club treasurer Justine Ross at howicknetballmoney@gmail.com

Howick Netball Club Bank Account Number 12 3233 0679361 00 

Junior Muster

Juniors: Yrs 5/6              Saturday 2nd March - Court 18                    
   9am - 10am

Trials Yrs 7 /8/ College

Juniors: Yrs 7/8              Saturday 17th February - Court 7                                 
                                           8.30am - 10am                                  
                                           Saturday 24th February 
- Court 3                                 
8.30am - 10am
Please arrive no later than 8.15 for warm-up and receive number

College: Yrs 9/13           Saturday 17th February - Court 5                                   
                                          8.30am - 10am                                   
                                          Saturday 24th February - Court 1                                   
                                          8.30am - 10am                                   
                                          Saturday 2nd March (if required) - Court 1                                   
                                          8.30am - 10am  

Please arrive no later than 8am for warm-up and receive number

For those intending to trial for College 1 please be aware attendance is mandatory at all trials. 

Dress $65.00
Socks $15.00  (Compulsory)
Singlet / Shorts $65.00

Uniform orders will be made possible at trials/muster at the below times.

Yr 5/6            Sat 2nd March 10.30-11am
Junior 7/8    Sat 17th  Feb / Sat 24th Feb 10am - 11am 
College         Sat 17  Feb / Sat 24th Feb  8am - 10am
Senior           Sat 17th  Feb / Sat 24th Feb 11am - 11.30am
If you have any questions in regards to ordering or payments please contact our Uniform Officer Sarah Sutton mrs.sl.sutton@gmail.com

Training Gear will be available to order Sat 24th February / 2nd March

We are still in need of Coaches for our Junior Grade.If you are interested in coaching please contact;
Chelsea at chelseawhiteman@hotmail.co.nz or howicknetball@gmail.com

We are looking to take on new umpires for the 2024 season.  Umpires must be at least Year 9 at school.  Please contact our Umpire Administrator 
Kyra Chaplin on 021 0224 7893  kyrac373@gmail.com or howicknetball@gmail.com

Put your business out there !!!!We are seeking a sponsor/s to help purchase equipment for our Club.If this is something you would be interested in, please contact me on 02777 37 304 or email me at howicknetball@gmail.com for more information

Season Dates

HPNC 2024 Competition Dates 


Year 5 and 6                                                             Friday 3rd May         

Year 7 and 8                                                             Saturday 4th May                                                                 
                                                                                   Saturday 11th May                                                                 
                                                                                   Saturday 18th May

College/Senior                                                         Saturday 4th May                                                               
                                                                                   Saturday 11th May                                                                 
                                                                                   Saturday 18th May                                              

Grading Round                                                        Saturday 25th May, 8th ,15th, 22nd June, 20th July 

Championship Round                                            Saturday 27th July, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th August 

No Play                                                                    Saturday 1st June (Kings Bday)                                                                 
                                                                                  Saturday 29th June (Matariki)                                                                                                                                                                Saturday 6th July (School Hols)                                                                                                                                                            Saturday 13th July (School Hols)

Remember to like our Facebook page, Howick Netball Inc, and to check out our Webpage   www.howicknetball.org.nz regularly.  Lots of information will be posted there over the next few weeks/months, about upcoming courses and important dates.

See you all at trials.

Leonie Moore
Club President 


Welcome to Howick Netball Club 2024 Season

We are super excited to see so many registrations coming through.

Haven't registered yet….you have time….head to our website http://www.howicknetball.org.nz and use the 2024 player registration tab.

Fees this year for Junior and College grades have had a minimal increase, with Senior players receiving a drop in prices. These increases reflect the changes in fees the club are issued by Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre and Netball Northern Association.

As a club, we have absorbed these fee increases for the past few seasons but are unable to manage that for 2024.  The drop in senior fees is to align them with the other grades, as this has been disproportionate for many years, and something the Howick Netball Club has advocated for.   We have also introduced a new option for those seniors wishing to play social netball.  These teams will not train which allows us to reduce the overall cost of their fees to $245   

This season we are introducing a $50 non-refundable deposit fee, which must be paid before trials to secure a spot in an HNC team.  This will be deducted from the player's fees if they join a team. If your fees are paid in full before trials the deposit does not relate.  All fees MUST be paid before players are placed into a team. Any questions regarding payment of fees & payment plans can be directed to the club treasurer Justine Ross at howicknetballmoney@gmail.com

2024 Club Trials
You must be registered to trial
For those intending to trial for College 1 and Senior 1 please be aware attendance is mandatory at all trials. This rule must be adhered to as it is not fair to other players if people do not arrive.  As trials are not until February amble notice has been given to change any personal or work commitments on these days.All trials will be held at Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre
Lloyd Elsmore Park

2024 Howick Netball Club Junior Muster
Juniors: Yrs 5/6                                    
                                  Saturday 2nd March                                   
9am - 10am

2024 Howick Netball Club Trials:  
Juniors: Yrs 7/8      
                                   Saturday 17th February                             
                                   8.30am - 10am                                
                                   Saturday 24th February
8.30am - 10am 

Please arrive no later than 8.15 for warm up and receive number

College: Yrs 9/13 
 Saturday 17th February                                   
                                 8.30am - 10am                                 
                                 Saturday 24th February                                   
                                 8.30am - 10am                                 
                                 Saturday 2nd March (if required)                   
                                 8.30am - 10am 

 Please arrive no later than 8am for warm up and receive number

                                 Saturday 17th February
                                 10am - 11am                                 
                                 Saturday 24th February
                                 10am - 11am                                 
                                 Saturday 2nd March (if required)                 
                                 10am -11am

Please arrive no later than 9.30am for warm up and receive number 

Following trials teams will be assigned to training squads where they’ll undergo three weeks of focused training. Subsequently team announcements will be made, in order to provide opportunity for a four-week confirmed team training leading up to grading weekend. Further details will be provided during the commencement of the first trial. Your commitment to this process ensures a fair and effective team selection. 

Pre Season Training

Our first pre season training went extremely well considering the heat.There is still plenty of time to join in.The trials are not far away ….. great way to be netballsmart ready.
Dates :
Tuesday Jan 23rd
Saturday Jan 27th
Tuesday Jan 30th
Saturday Feb 10th
Tuesday Feb 13th 
Juniors:                 5.30pm - 6.30pm Tuesdays                              
                                9.00am - 10am Saturdays

College/Seniors:  6.30pm - 7.30/ 8pm  Tuesdays                               
                                9.30am - 10.30/11am Saturdays

Uniform orders will be made possible at trials/muster at the below times.

Yr 5/6  Sat 2nd March 10.30-11am
Junior 7/8  Sat 17th  Feb / Sat 24th Feb 10am - 11am 
College  Sat 17  Feb / Sat 24th Feb  8am - 10am
Senior Sat 17th  Feb / Sat 24th Feb 11am - 11.30am
If you have any questions in regards to ordering or payments please contact our Uniform Officer Sarah Sutton mrs.sl.sutton@gmail.com

Training Gear will be available to order Sat 24th February / 2nd March

We are looking to take on new umpires for the 2024 season.  Umpires must be at least Year 9 at school.  Please contact our Umpire Administrator Kyra Chaplin on 021 0224 7893  kyrac373@gmail.com or howicknetball@gmail.com

Our players rely on coaches to develop their skills and play netball, as without them we have no team. If you’ve never coached before and are hesitant to start, we have experienced coach mentors and resources here to get you going!If you are interested, please contact Chelsea at chelseawhiteman@hotmail.co.nz or howicknetball@gmail.com

Put your business out there !!!!We are seeking a sponsor/s to help purchase equipment for our club.If this is something you would be interested in, please contact me on 02777 37 304 or email me at howicknetball@gmail.com for more information

All 2024 Season dates/times are on our website calendar www.howicknetball.org.nz

Leonie Moore
Club President